5 Essential 2017 Marketing Predictions

5 Essential 2017 Marketing Predictions

Sure seems like this year flew by, didn’t it? We have covered a lot of territory this year in On Marketing. As we enter the final couple of weeks in 2016, let’s shift our focus more on the future and plan our efforts for 2017. Because I’m a student of marketing and...
Brain Science and Effective Websites

Brain Science and Effective Websites

Today is the final piece in a series where we have explored website building from a variety of useful angles. First we examined how we should set and enforce our expectations of a website. Then we explored the common traits that all effective websites have before...
Quit Disrespecting Your Website Content

Quit Disrespecting Your Website Content

If you want a persuasive and effective website that is easily found online, you need a lot of pages of content that are well optimized for search engines. The content must also be readable and convincing to humans. Search engine rules are constantly changing, and...
What Do You Expect Out of Your Website?

What Do You Expect Out of Your Website?

Today’s column is the first in a series I’m doing specifically on websites. Why websites? Despite the fact that technology is advancing rapidly, the website remains the single most important marketing material you have. If your website stinks – meaning it doesn’t tell...