Quit Disrespecting Your Website Content

Quit Disrespecting Your Website Content

If you want a persuasive and effective website that is easily found online, you need a lot of pages of content that are well optimized for search engines. The content must also be readable and convincing to humans. Search engine rules are constantly changing, and...
Why Does SEO Take So Darn Long?

Why Does SEO Take So Darn Long?

“I’ve told you a million times never to exaggerate.” That’s one of my favorite examples of hyperbole. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve used that phrase I’d have more than a few nickels. If I earned nickels for every time I’ve been asked, “why does search...
Can Pokémon Go Work For Your Business?

Can Pokémon Go Work For Your Business?

Everyone is nuts for Pokémon Go right now. What began as a joint project for Niantic Labs (a Google company that also has many of the folks who designed Google Maps) and Nintendo has turned into a smash hit that people and company executives both love. For anyone not...